
Taylor Swift rockt Tumblr

Taylor Swift
Taylor Swifts Reaktion auf diesen Troll ist sehr gut:
Das schönste daran: Ihren Troll hat das ganze so überrascht, dass dieser sein Handy zerlegt hat:

"i was laying in bed watching a movie and i went to check tumblr to see if anything actually had happened and i saw that the post had 40 notes and i was like “oh maybe some big blog reblogged it” and that big blog turned out to be TAYLOR SWIFT!!! and i threw my phone across the room and now it has a crack on it and then i flew out of my bed to my desk and i FLIPPED OUT i didnt even LOOK at the post yet because i was so overwhelmed and i called up my friend steph wildestsdream and shouted at her so loud omg and it was like 1 am so i didnt even CARE and then i went back and looked at the post for real and read it over and over and read the TAG and screamed AGAIN and then JUST AS I WAS STARTING TO CALM DOWN and PROCESS what she had said SHE FUCKING TWEETED IT!!! SHE SCREENSHOTTED IT!!! AND TWEETED IT!!! TO HER 43 MILLION FOLLOWERS!!! CHRIST!!!"

Ach ja, BæBæ/bae ist das dänische Wort für Kaki (Kaka, Aa). Im Internet wird Bae im englischen Raum gerne von Leuten benutzt, die denken es sei die Kurzform von Baby, Sweetie, usw.

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